Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

thank you very much.

Thank you so much for your quick response and for helping with some more pocky (it is my sons favourite food)! We will definitely be ordering from you again in the near future. Thanks again

Thank you very much!

thank you very much! 😊 With Kindest regards

Dear lovely people @ Wai Yee Hong, THANK YOU very much for packing my food provisions so carefully and posting out so quickly! Very happy to order from you again. Keep safe and well. Best wishes,

Thank you very much for the prompt service and secure packing, I will definitely be ordering from you again. Cheers,

Thank you so much for your prompt services. I have received my parcel.

Hi there! You guys are super efficient. Box arrived today. All present and accounted for! Many thanks!

Thank you for this I have now received the goods. I must commend you for the quality packaging Excellent service.

I used to travel 15 miles to my nearest Chinese supermarket about once a month to do my shopping. During the lockdown I found Wai Yee Hong, the choices of the products are fantastic, I got everything I want. Well packaged, fast delivery and reasonable prices. I’ve became one of their regular customer now. Thank you Wai Yee Hong

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