Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Thank you for your delivery. Very impressed in the expert packing of goods

Thank you for your email and swift delivery of my order. 😊

I normally stock up on ingredients for japanese cooking at Wai Yee Hong every couple of months, but have been in lockdown in Cornwall. Very grateful to be able to order online, and for the swift and efficient order and delivery service- thanks!

Thank you for the very speedy delivery of Chinese groceries to my parents who have been shielding at home. All the London Chinese grocery stores haven’t been very good with their online shops and my parents were running low. They are very pleased! Only ordered on Friday and they arrived two days later! So quick! All safely wrapped too! Thanks again! 🙏🏻

Order placed 21 May, delivered 23 May, very well packed and all items included. Very well done, congratulations !! Regards,

I’ve shopped at Wai Yee Hong since they opened. We have travelled in Asia a lot and so cook a lot of Asian food. We get all our “special” ingredients from Wai Yee Hong, their belly pork is fabulous, I can get all the staples at reasonable prices, thank you. Shelves and freezers are always well stocked.

Always well stocked with happy staff and customers

You guys are my favourite shop, we travel all the way up from cornwall every chance we get just so I can stock up on all your wonderful products. Everthing is just so fresh and everyone is always so friendly and welcoming.

Amazingly quick with delivery and everything packaged well and secure. I ordered for my elderly parents and they were over the moon! Everything they wanted was in stock and Wai Yee Hong do national deliveries. Absolutely perfect, will definitely use again and for myself next time!

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for our delivery. Everything arrived so beautifully packaged and we’re so happy to have almost our favourites! :) Thank you so much.

We always love hearing from our customers, so please feel free to leave us some feedback: Submit Testimonial