Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Hi Received the parcel just now. All good. Thank you very much

Many thanks for the superb service.The parcel was packed with so much care.I can tell that this company is conscientious about their customers. A pleasure dealing with you!!

Thank you so much for delivering our shopping so quickly. Everything is well wrapped and you really made sure to package with care the bottles of beer. Fantastic service and I’m definitely going to order again from you!

The parcel arrived today, and everything is in good condition. Much appreciated and thanks to all staff at Wai Yee Hong for working hard during these tough times. I’m glad I’ve been a loyal customer to Wai Yee Hong (in store) these past years and this first experience ordering online from you is the start of more to come in future. Thank you.

Thank you very much for your help. Stay well

Dear all at Wai Yee Hong A BigThank You Revived parcel with all items that were Ordered. Well package very Impressed Certainly will be Purchasing on line again in the future all though usually shop in store, A Pleasure dealing with You’re Company once again many Thanks.

Great online shopping with Wai Yee Hong. All the items were meticulously packaged and they arrived safely. It didn’t take long to get to me either. Well done and thanks to the excellent service. Will definitely use their service again for sure.

Amazing service and selection, everything from our order arrived in perfect condition and very carefully packaged, thank you for your hard work!

Hi I have received the parcel and would like thank you for your efficient and prompt service. I look forward to using again in the near future. Kind regards

Thank you for your help :)

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