Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Thank you for your attentive service We live on the South West of Ireland and trying to buy asian product is almost impossible except for some Sharwood’s products ! Great to find you and that you ship to Ireland.

Everything has arrived, on time and absolutely delicious. thankyou.

I bought what I want on this website and it is really a good online shop.

Always a pleasure to deal with. Products well packed and delivery to my doorstep at less than the price of the train fare to my nearest Oriental supermarket. In three words: “Cannot be beaten”. Many thanks.

Wai Yee Hong have a very quick delivery. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Wai Yee Hong are fantastic always helpful and brilliant products. Happy Christmas to you all

Hi, I am a big fan of Wai Yee Hong and love the products, service and fast delivery. I often tell my friends about the website. Thanks,

I’m quite happy with my purchase and delivery. Perfect items and packed very well! Will be using again. Many thanks and Merry Christmas to all!

Thank you very much. The bottles arrived today - everything perfect, so thank you very much!!!!! Hope to do business again soon…

Hi Guys, I always leave feedback to suppliers, but my experience with Wai Yee Hong requires much more than a few words and five stars. Finding myself the wrong side of 70, l am becoming more and more dependent on on-line shoppers king. We don’t want to use Take Aways all the time. I am capable of cooking good Chinese food, but was concerned about getting hold of the ‘raw materials’.

We always love hearing from our customers, so please feel free to leave us some feedback: Submit Testimonial