Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Thank you again. Your customer service is brilliant, I hope that you can supply for me in the future. Best regards,

Many thanks again, for an exceptionally quick service for my recent order - and so well packed too! Thanks again.

Hi there just received my box of Soy Sauce many thanks for your great service all the very best

Received my first order - wonderfully wrapped. Great service and great selection of products. It would be helpful if there were more explanations for products in English. Also although the order was shipped quickly the courier was rather slow in delivering. Thank-you for your feedback. We try our best to add as much of the product labelling onto our website as possible, but sometimes, these products do not have much information on the packaging.

Huge selection including Thai, great value for money

Order arrived today after being dispatched Thursday last week. As has been said by most, the packaging was amazing! You can’t buy this stuff at your local Tesco! Thanks so much!

Hi Yee Hong Team My second order came. Tracking of delivery was good as I could keep in touch with the order. Many thanks for the good service

Parcel received today in good order. Well packed it was and now I have a stock of the only tea I drink - my favourite gunpower by Temple of Heaven. Thankyou

I just wanted to thank you for your very prompt service as it was very important to receive my order quickly.

Fantastic service! I ordered my goods on Thursday afternoon, within hours they had been shipped out to me. I received them first thing Monday morning in Republic of Ireland. Such quick delivery and great service, you have a customer for life! thank you Susan

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