Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Hi WYH team, Thanks for the reply. It’s my first time to shop with you since I moved to UK recently. The overall experience was pleasant and the delivery came faster than expected. I appreciate your selection of sauces & seasonings sourced from Taiwan and hope to see more options for a wider range of products in the future. Warm regards, Yuki

Hi there, Wonderful parcel of goodies, thank you! You wrapped everything with such care - I will recommend your shop to friends! I have put the fortune cookies inside a pass-the-parcel for my English students, and used the Chinese newspapers to wrap the parcel- one student will be able to read them! Many thanks, Bec 👍🏻🤓🙏🏻

Thank you! arrived in this morning Post. All present and correct. Packaging Perfect as usual. Thanks again David

Dear all, Thank you so much for the fast delivery. I’m amazed by the way someone wrapped every single item and packed it! I’ve been living in the UK for many years, ordering lots of stuff, but this way of looking after the customer’s goods is just incredibly lovely! Thank you for the business, I will recommend you to all my friends and will order again from you in the future.

Thank you so much

Hi, Thank you for your amazing service and support! Have a nice Monday,

I’m glad to update that the parcel was delivered today by a very nice and polite delivery guy while I was in the garden. The items have arrived in good condition too. Thank you! Kind Regards

Arrived just after 2-30pm this afternoon. All in order. Packing Excellent as usual. Thank You

Hello!! My family has used your shop both in-person and online for a long time and we are always very happy with your service!! Hopefully next time I order there will be some Korean rice cakes but no worries if not!! Thank you again,

Dear Sir/Madame You’re packing is the Greatest top Mark, it’s the BEST ….. Thank you and Regards

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