Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

thank you soo much!! :-)

I am writing to thank you for the excellent service I received regarding my order for OK sauce. The order was delivered on Saturday beautifully packaged. Thank you.

hey, since returning home from living in chengdu i found it so difficult/impossible to find any genuine sichuan ingredients to cook the food i fell so in love with! specailly the “facing heaven chillies” that are so unique,but i received my first order from you yesterday and the chillies are fantastic!, as was the speed of delivery.I can\’t thank you enough and will be ordering again very soon. thanks again!

Fantastic source of quality oriental food and ingredients. A real pleasure browsing and ordering using their web site.

Thank you waiyeehong for super speedy service. My goodies arrived today. Looking forward to making use of them.

My parcel arrived today…superbly packed by your packing fairies! So pleased to get my Prima Taste La Mian fix - I can’t find anyone else who sells them. But please get more stock in as soon as you can as I bought the last of your supplies! Thanks!

Received my order this morning. Packed with lots of styrene and every glass jar protected with cardboard. Very well done Wai Yee Hong :) I’ll be back!

My order has just been delivered. I am over the moon with it. Fast and helpful. Really impressed with how the goods had been packed. Will definately order from you again. Thanks Lynn.

Order delivered, beautifully packed. I am really pleased with the items, will be ordering again. Many thanks

Dear Wai Yee Hong, Goods received this morning with thanks!

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