Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Thanks to this reviewer on, Wai Yee Hong has received more praise for our authentic range of Oriental products and helpful staff. As somebody who likes to cook this place couldn’t be better. They have a fantastic range of oriental kitchen utensils that I love (got a great wok from here about a year ago). Plus, the food is awesome as are the prices. A real bargain in comparison with the high street supermarkets.

Hi all at WaiYeeHong, my parcel arrived safely this morning and couldn’t be happier. Everything was packaged superbly and delivery was quick. It was our first time shopping with you but we will most certainly be shopping with you again when we get low on everything we just bought. Thanks again. Kind regards, Allison

Safely arrived this morning, thank you very much for all the help yesterday.

Hallo, Just to say that my parcel arrived at lunchtime. What a weonderful service. Well done. thank you,

Thank you so much x

“Hier gibt es alles was man braucht um orientalisch zu kochen! Von der Durianfrucht bis zum Manis Kechup, Sushi Reis, Staebchen usw. Auch im Restaurant oben kann man gut essen, soviel wie man will zum Einheitspreis.” Translation: Here, you can get everything you need for Oriental cooking! From durian fruit to kecap manis, sushi rice, chopsticks, etc. In the restaurant upstairs, you can eat well, as much as you like for a set price.

My order has arrived. Many thanks

Thank you so much I received my parcel today. I look forward to using it. Kindest regards

The parcel arrived today. Everything was exactly as ordered and very well wrapped. Thank you for such a prompt service.

Thanks for emailing me about the wok availability, great customer service!!

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