Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Thankyou for my order, everything arrived promptly, I was very impressed with the packing, each item was carefully wrapped in cardboard and foam with a covering of paper, and the box lined with polystyrene, now its my turn to try some Asian cooking, thankyou

Wow. I placed an order with you two days ago, and it’s arrived today. In these times we find ourselves in I take my hat off to you for the speed of service. Blown away. Fantastic company, and will definitely order from you again. Thank you for the amazing service

Have just received my order, cannot believe the care taken wrapping every jar and the speed of the delivery. Amazing service, Thank you.

A large range of products, every parcel packed with a lot of care, every order was a good shopping experience. thank you!

Thank you so much. Quick delivery with reasonable delivery charges . Items are always well packed. I am so happy to have found Wai Yee Hong.

I am a first time online customer. I would like to thank your staff for their excellent service;from the time my orders are taken and arriving as promised and carefully packed goods which was very thoughtful of the ‘packing’ staff. I will definitely continue being your customer!! P.S- pls stock more Malaysian rpidcts!

I am always impressed by your wonderful service. Items are always well packaged and your range of produce is superb! Thank you!

Thank you very much for your excellent service, my first parcel delivered safely quickly than expected, everything was perfect and very impressed with the packaging. For these reasons I ordered again from your website. Happy Christmas to you all.

Thank you very much delivered safely quicker than expected

Absolutely delighted with the service, items arrived well packaged and delivery was fast. Will definitely be using this again.

We always love hearing from our customers, so please feel free to leave us some feedback: Submit Testimonial