Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Hello Very impressed by the speed of delivery and quality of products I will definitely be shopping with you again

As a first time buyer was really impressed with the ease of use of the website. It was a lot better than others I had looked at . As per other reviews goods were well packed ordered Tuesday goods arrived Thursday. Also having a reasonable spend limit for a reduced postage price was a bonus. I would recommend you try this supermarket as I will be a returning customer.

Hello, Thank you for the orderl which arrived this morning. Everything is in order and very well packed. Thank you.

Just wanted to let you know that I am so very happy with my purchase, products are so fresh fantastic stuff ,, you can be sure that I will be ordering from your company again, thankyou ,, very very happy xx

I just received my first order from waiyeehong and everything was perfect from the phone call to ask a question, having wide range of products and quick delivery and box arrived with all items well packed! I will be ordering again… thanks…

貨物全,好價錢,包裝好,出貨快,廉價全國運輸,值得推薦!Wide selection of Chinese goods, excellent packaging, fast & cheap delivery - highly recommended!

I’m stuck in Malaysia while my daughter is back in the UK, so I’ve really appreciated being able to send her care packages via your online service. Thank you so much!

Excellent. Thank you very much! 😃

Really good services ,the packing is so marvellous and delivery is so quick just three days from order to received !I am so happy and satisfied for that although the price little bit more expensive than our area’s Chinese supermarket! Still love that because your compang have many styffs that I need! Thank you again!!

Thanks for the prompt service. Will definitely use it more often. Have a lovely day.

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