Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Items delivered all un good condition. Thank you very much. Regards

Thank you very much.


I have received my order today and would like to thank you very much for a very prompt service in what must be a busy time for you. Thanks again

I just wanted to write to say Thank you. All arrived nicely packed and quicker than expected. Very impressed with your service and passed my expectations. Will definitely order from you again. Thank you all!

Hi, I don’t normally like to leave a feedback after my purchased however I have to say a big thank you to you. What’s a wonderful and speedy service I had received from you. All my goods had packed well and had no breakages. Will definitely order from you again!

Hello, Everything arrived fine and was very well packaged. Thank you very much,

Recommended to this company by my son (based in Bristol) - ordered Friday, arrived Wednesday - perfectly and safely packed, all as ordered - efficient service and incredibly good value - my new go to place! Thank you WaiyeeHong team.

Thank you guys so much!

Such a good find! I don not have any oriental supermarket nearby so my friend recommended to order online here and i am soooo happy with them. In 24 hoours my box was at home in Scotland, everything perfectly wrap, expired date are perfect and the price i have to say are amazing. I can not recommend enough this supermarket!

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