Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Thank you, they were delivered today. Thank you also for your prompt and efficient service.

This is a great looking shop, I wish I lived closer. Many thanks.

Absolutly fantastic service online! Easy to use and finaly a good quality stockist for my chinese teas!

Hi, WaiYeeHong, My order arrived today just before 12 pm, fast delivey I ordered on Monday night, not expected that it would arrived today Thank you for your great service, will order again.

Order received as advertised, well packed. Good job!

Thank you so much. I live in Wiltshire now. When I lived in Dublin there were several Chinese shops I went to, and I am so happy to find yours. I asked a Chinese couple I met on Saturday where there was a Chinese supermarket. The nearest to me is yours!

您好! 真沒想到我隔天就收到貨!非常高興和感謝貴公司很快處理我的訂單(急需米酒),之前我訂了其他家竟收款沒有到貨! 再次感謝.感恩.祝福. 楊

Hello, I just wanted to give you an update: the package arrived today. parcel force said they picked it up from 64 and delivered. Thank you so much for all your help and follow through. I am so impressed with your customer service. I will definitely be ordering from you again. Thanks so much!!! Teal

Thanks very much for a speedy and perfectly packaged delivery. Such good value too. I even got a text message telling me what time the delivery would be! Excellent service, I’ll be back!

thank you very much.

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