Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Thanks for yesterday! It was great fun. Even with the temperamental weather it was a great event. See you all soon!

Hi, I just wanted to thank you for packing my parcel so carefully and confirm that the Pop-Pan Crackers arrived in very good shape. I have never seen bottles packed so well, it must have taken you ages. Once again, very many thanks. Kind regards

Thank You! The bowls arrived in the morning, all well packed and in perfect condition. I need not have worried!!

My order has arrived! Very fast as well! Excellent service. Everything was very well packaged! Thanks a lot!

Speedy delivery. As others have mentioned, the packing is to a very high standard, so everything arrived in perfect condition. Ordering from the website to receiving the goods was straightforward and hassle-free. I am a first time customer who will definitely be returning again. Excellent service. Highly recommend. Many thanks

I was so impressed when my first order arrived! I have to said I never received anything like that at all - excellent package! All the bottles or jars are all wrapped up in 3 different layers of materials (cardboard, bubble wrap and newspaper). Since I ordered a lot of noodles in my order, they ever cut layer of harder foam protecting the noodles to avoid damage via post! I’m highly recommended waiyeehong to everyone!

I am very satisfied with the choice of products and range you have. This is my second time ordering from you and I am very happy with the speed of delivery and attention to detail with the packing and care you give my parcel. I will continue to use your service because of this.

Thank you kindly. I really appreciate this. Cheers,

Hi, Happy to say the package arrived today. Many thanks,

First time using you. Items arrived quick, excellently pack, superb products. Will be back soon. Fully recommend. Many thanks, and best wishes.

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