Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Received my latest delivery this morning, great service, as always, and so beautifully & thoroughly packaged, unwrapping it all felt like Christmas!! Thanks!

What a fabulous store: not only does WaiYeeHong stock items that are hard to find elsewhere, but they can be delivered to my door less than a day after ordering! Thank you so much - it’s an honour and a delight to be able to support a local business that provides a truly world-class standard of service. I’ll certainly be ordering from you again, and I’ll be paying you a visit in person as soon as I can beg a lift to Eastville!

Thanks for the quick delivery, brilliant service and very carefully packed. Thank you!

I am delighted with the products I ordered. Thanks

Yummy, great value.

Excellent packaging and quality! Thank you!

“A wonderful place to visit the people are very friendly, warm and helpful every time. An amazing range of products couldn’t ask for anything better, I visit every time I am in the Bristol." We’re glad to hear that this reviewer on is a fan of our shop. We always aim to give our customers the best service we can! See review We’re really pleased that Emily H. has taken the time to write a review of Wai Yee Hong.

Thanks so much that’s brilliant. X

thanks very much!

Hi WaiYeeHong, Thank you so much for your help in swapping the pepper powder for the chilli flakes for me. I really appreciate your help. Many thanks for this. Kind regards,

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