Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

prompt efficient deliver of approx 70 items with only 1 x breakage which was reshipped the following few days later with another order i placed as they were a joy to deal with very friendly but professional - highly recommended

I am happy to advise that I have just received my order. It is in perfect condition and I am delighted with all the contents. I shall certainly be shopping with you again. Yours sincerely,

Brilliant service. Had delivery and products great. Thank you for all. Kind regards.

Everything arrived excellently packaged and in perfect condition. Im looking forward to exploring some new flavours,thankyou.

Dear Sir/Madam thank-you very much for the prompt delivery of the Thai Salad dressing I ordered

Dear Sirs, Just to say that the order arrived on Thursday and I don’t think I have ever seen anything wrapped quite so well. Thank you for such excellent service. It certainly is a pleasure to do business with you. I appreciate that I am just a small domestic customer (as opposed to a large trade organisation) but I certainly felt my custom (however small) was valued. I will certainly be passing on your details to friends with my recommendation.

Many thanks for the good customer service

Thank you for sending my order so promptly !!. -Hope to order more good stuff from you soon.

Hi WaiYeeHong, Thanks again for your impressive quick response to customer’s questions and efficient action to solve problems. Kind regards,

Absolutely excellent, order was sent in a strong box and well packed, managed to get crackers through the post totally unbroken. Will definitely be buying more.

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