Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

This was my first order, received about six weeks ago. I am absolutely delighted with the range of products available at very fair prices. Delivery of my order was swift, at extremely good value rates and the effort that had gone into packaging was really impressive. I will definitely be ordering from you again. Thank you for excellent service!

Parcel received in good order and am most satisfied with the quality of the tea. Thankyou.

Hello my team at Wai Yee Hong, thank you, not just for sharing your marvelous recipes but your superb service overall, i’m just about to place an order to replenish my dwindling ingredients and would not consider going elsewhere, a very satisfied and loyal Dave.

It’s arrived yay thank you packed really good stuff looks great x

Hi, I have now received the delivery. Thank you! Kind regards

Dear Wai Yee Hong team Thank you for safe arrival of my order and many thanks Kind Regards

Thank you very much!

Parcel received today in perfect condition.I can stock the only tea I drink Po Nee Tea.Very glad.Thank you very much.

Great service and value, all my products in stock and delivered on time - will be shopping here again

My first order with Wai Yee Hong arrived before 9am and was in perfect order. Time and care had been taken in the packaging of each item in my order so it would arrive in perfect condition. Thank you very much. I will be a returning customer for sure.

We always love hearing from our customers, so please feel free to leave us some feedback: Submit Testimonial