Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Hello! Thank you so much for having sent out our order so promptly! Thanks!

Thanks for your help, it’s much appreciated.

Thank you very much !

Thank you for you amazing service once again!

Many thanks for your prompt and helpful reply. Regards

“A goldmine for enthusiasts of Oriental cuisine!" Another 5* review on makes us very proud, and we look forward to welcoming this reviewer again soon! **A superb Oriental supermarket ******* Wai Yee Hong, located in Eastville, is a superb Oriental supermarket that sells a comprehensive range of ingredients and accessories. This place really is a goldmine for enthusiasts of Oriental cuisine and the knowledgeable staff are always on hand to offer advice.

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Great variety, great quality, efficient service & great prices! LOVED rooting through my big box to find everything I had ordered. Can’t wait to pay another visit soon! :-) BIG thumbs up whilst I enjoy my noodles! THANKYOU.

Thank you, that is fantastic customer service – I am most impressed and look forward to receipt so I can get cooking! Best wishes

Thank you very much. Look forward to receiving the shiitake mushrooms Kind regards,

Fantastic service! Quick delivery & very well packed. A huge range of quality & hard to find items. Shipping less than petrol/carpark costs to the supermarket, where of course you would never find most of the products! Prices are some of the lowest in the UK. An absolute gem of a site - it was like Christmas when the parcel arrived!! Very Many thanks, we will certainly be back again…

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