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Premium Oolong Tea (Whole Leaf) (特級烏龍茶)

  • Shipping Weight: 0.22kg
  • Brand: Chinatea

Description:Chinatea Premium Oolong Tea
Whole Leaf Tea

When some dried leaves blew into Chinese Emperor Shen Nung;s cup of hot water in 2700 BC, the inquisitive monarch took a sip of the brew and was surprised by the pleasant aroma and refreshing taste. Little did he realise that the beverage he discovered would cause a sensation around the world today!
Oolong tea is one of the famous tea in China. It is usually brewed strong to give a heavy body with a sweet mellow taste. It can be served with dim sum and other Chinese dishes.

How to brew Oolong Tea
Step 1: Warm tea cup. Add 1 teaspoon tea leaves into cup.
Step 2: Pour 200ml hot water into cup.
Step 3: Infuse dor 1-2 minutes or as desired. Serve without milk. Enjoy!

Storage: Keep in dry cool place, out of direct sunlight.
Ingredients:Oolong Tea.

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