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Ginisang Mongo (Instant Mung Bean Soup Mix) (菲律賓青豆湯)

  • Shipping Weight: 0.11kg
  • Brand: Mama Sita's

Description:Mama Sita's Ginisang Monggo Instant Mung Bean Soup Mix

Ginisang Monggo
A handy, dehydrated version of Ginisang Monggo - a very popular Philippine dish made from mung beans, malunggay leaves and spices.

Mung Bean Soup Recipe (Serves 1):
1 pouch (60g) Mama Sita's Instant Mung Bean Soup Mix
1 cup (250ml) water
20 fresh spinach or ampalaya leaves

Cooking Instructions:
1. In a small saucepan, combine 1 pouch Mama Sita's Ginisang Monggo with water
2. Bring to a boil for a minute
3. Stir in fresh leaves. Add patis (fish sauce), if desired. Serve hot
Variation: Tinapa (smoked fish) flakes or cooked shrimps may be added.

Store in a cool, dry place.
Ingredients:Mung Bean (80%), Fresh Onion, Partially Hydrogenated Coconut Oil, Iodised Salt, Fresh Garlic, Horseradish Leaves, Flavour Enhancer (E621).

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