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Mochi Rice Cakes (Mixed Fruit Plum, Pomelo, Passion Fruit) (雜果糯米池)

  • Shipping Weight: 0.308kg
  • Brand: Sunwave

Description:Sunwave Mochi Rice Cakes (Mixed Fruit Plum, Pomelo, Passion Fruit)
Glutinous rice balls with fruit flavoured fillings.

Ready to eat.

Store in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight.
Ingredients:Plum: Maltose, Glutinous Rice Powder, Thickener (E1422), Tapioca Starch, Sugar, Plum Juice, Sword Bean, Palm Oil, Potato Starch, Emulsifier (E474), Flavour, Preservative (E200) (<0.5g/kg), E171, E452i, Colour (E133, E102).

Pomelo: Maltose, Glutinous Rice Powder, Thickener (E1422), Tapioca Starch, Sugar, Kumquat Juice, Sword Bean, Palm Oil, Potato Starch, Emulsifier (E474), Preservative (E200) (<0.5g/kg), E171, E452i, Colour (E102).

Passion Fruit: Maltose, Glutinous Rice Powder, Thickener (E1422), Tapioca Starch, Sugar, Kumquat Juice, Sword Bean, Palm Oil, Potato starch, Emulsifier (E474), Flavour, Preservative (E200) (<0.5g/kg). E171, E452i.

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