Over 100 Prices Dropped!
We’ve lowered the prices of over 100 authentic Oriental ingredients, and more in-store! Some of our prices have dropped by over 47%! We think that you’ll agree that that makes it cheaper to buy Oriental food online!
At Wai Yee Hong and WaiYeeHong.com, we always aim to give our customers the very best service. Whether by providing a wide variety of authentic products or by securing the best prices from our suppliers. As a result, we’ve dropped the price of over 100 products in our PRICE CRUNCH! Don’t forget that you can save even more by shopping in-store!
Click here to be taken to the PRICE CRUNCH reductions in our online store.
We’re working on more great deals and prices for our customers in the future, so keep an eye out on Wai Yee Hong Chinese Supermarket.