Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

My first order for some time but thank-you for maintaining your usual high-standard during these difficult times.

Was my first time ordering from Wai Yee Hong and the service was great. Well packaged and delivered quickly, plus great prices! Will be ordering again.

Excellent website and prompt and reliable service. Online shopping from an independent store - at its best.

Parcel received in perfect condition and very well packaged thank you.

Hi, I wanted to say thank you for the delivery which arrived very well packaged earlier this week. The items all arrived safe and well and in good time. Many thanks,

Fantastic online delivery service. Easy to use website, easy to find my products. Everything I need across APJ region is stocked. Everything arrived as ordered within 48 hours of order placement. Thank-you Team Wai Yee Hong, I will use you again, and again, and again!!

I was surprised when it came so early, I ordered on Wednesday and it came on Saturday . very happy with my first order and will order again.

Received my xo sauce last week. I would like to praise you on the fantastic packing. I have been in the shipping world so I can appreciate the excellent quality of the outer carton, lovely and sturdy and the inner wrappings were amazing . there is no way that any of the jars could have broken in transit. Thank you M Palin

Hi Team You and your team had worked hard and had provided a fantastic service. Don’t know what I would do without you. You are a small business and am glad to support you. You have a loyal customer in me and will be back soon. Take care Best regards

Hi, WaiYeeHong, my order arrived today, thank you very much for your great service, will buy again.

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