Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Ordered from here for the first time and did not disappoint! Everything was packaged well and nicely and delivery was fast too. Can’t wait to order from here again!

Order received this afternoon. Thank you so much for your prompt response and excellent service. Thank you & take care,

Thank you. All received in good order.

thank you:)

Hi WaiYeeHong Team, The parcel was delivered and everything looks fine. Once again, thanks. Best Regards, David.

5 star service, fast delivery and very well wrapped soy source and bottled stuff. Impressed.

Thanks for the express deliveries . Received all my orders . Well done . Stay safe Cheers.

Just want to say thank you I have had my order delivered today I am very pleased with it

First Class Customer Service. My order and arrived quickly, safely, was well packaged and made my day. Being able to get Pearl River Bridge Gold Label and large Lao Gan Ma Crispy Chilli Oil is wonderful as they are unavailable where I live. Stay safe and accept a huge Thank you to all at Wai Yee Hong!

Hi, Ordered received with Thanks! I have been very impressed with the excellent customer service and have told my friends about you. Keep up the good work and keep safe. Thanks

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