Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Hello there My order has been safely received this morning as promised. Thank you very much for such efficient service and the excellent way the items were packed. The wife and I were very impressed – well done all at Wai Yee Hong. We will certainly be looking to purchasing from you again in the future. All the best and warmest regards.

Order successfully delivered by Parcel Force Thursday 27th ’20. Thankyou for your prompt consideration regarding my order. A pleasure dealing with your company…. Regards

Hi The order was received today. Everything was in good condition and I thought that the whole box, especially the bottles, had been packed very well. My thanks to all who processed my order. Regards

Thank you for your quick service and packing them very well.

Received parcel today. Thanks.

You are excellent ! Good price and prompt response! Thanks and My son is look forward to receive the goods ! Tks

Million thanks

thank you

Hi Joe and all your team Thanks for all your hard work and efforts in organising celebrations today. We had a good day at Wai Yee Hong and wanted to pass on our thanks. All the best

Brilliant! Thanks,

We always love hearing from our customers, so please feel free to leave us some feedback: Submit Testimonial