Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Happy new year! I hope you had a nice festive period. Thanks again for the help with the bowls and spoons at the end of last year, my dad and boyfriend both absolutely loved them as presents and we have eaten lots of delicious noodle soups etc. from them!! Best wishes,

Dear Sirs I have safely received my order and I am extremely pleased with it. It came well packaged so there was no damage and the quality is superb. Once again, Thank you very much

Thanks, and happy new year to everyone at wai yee hong. I’ve never been, but I will someday.

Thank you very much!

Dear Wai Yee Hong We want to thank you very much for the prompt delivery and the nice packing to the Getgoods. They were trilled and very happy to receive the items! Many thanks for the superb service. We will definitely visit you again. We wish you a joyful blessed Christmas and happy, healthy, wealthy and successful New Year! Best wishes greetings from Singapore

Hi, Thank you so much for that :) I really appreciate it. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too!! Best wishes,

Thank you

Thank you.

Hi, I would just like to thank you for the box of groceries. They arrived Friday, and especially well packaged. I look forward to making some nice Chinese meals. Thankyou very much! Regards,

Thank you ever so much for the very quick delivery. I gave received the parcel today, I’m very pleased.

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