Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

all products i bought are fine. packed well. no problems. will order again!

Thank you for your efficiency.

Fantastic thank you, already ordered and on way, thank you for your advice.

Thank you very much, I am desperate to make a new order but will have to wait for my favourite product before I do so. Your service is wonderful, keep up the good work! Regards,

Received the 30 big shin cups 2day. Thank you very much.will order again soon :-):-):-):-):-)

Thank you for your great service! Looking forward.

Hi wai yee hong, Thanks very much. Best service ever! Thank you Kind regards

Thanks order received much appreciated!

Received thank you and very nice it is too!!! not too earthy and quite mild in taste. All I need now is some Oolong and I can practice the Gong Fu Cha, I am also looking for a yixing tea tray. Thank You Kindest Regards

On behalf of everyone at the Museum of East Asian Art, I would like to thank you and your team for the truly wonderful finale at The Assembly Rooms in Bath for our 2014 Lunar New Year Extravaganza - the Year of the Horse. You were as professional as always, which made it so much easier for us on the day as we had a record number in attendance over the day’s event – nearly 2,000.

We always love hearing from our customers, so please feel free to leave us some feedback: Submit Testimonial