Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say:

Hi there Thank you for tracking the package. It was delivered in a timely manner a few days after I received an email to notify that it was posted. Kind regards

Thank you for shipping my order so quickly. Kind regards

I am delighted with my first order. I will certainly be back for more. Excellent selection of products & careful packing. Thank you.

“If you enjoy Chinese products and Oriental cooking appliances, this is the place for you!" We’d like to thank this reviewer on for their 5* review, and hope to see them again soon! Impressive Oriental supermarket I love the Wai Yee Hong supermarket! You can literally get EVERYTHING at this place from a wide variety of noodles to a vast selection of sauces etc. What I really admire about the supermarket is that you will never run out of amazement by the selection of goods and products.

“A paradise of Chinese shopping, this supermarket contains just about everything oriental you could ever want." We’re glad to hear that this reviewer on likes our wide product range, and look forward to welcoming them in store again soon! A paradise of Chinese shopping, this supermarket contains just about everything oriental you could ever want. It’s not just restricted to Chinese produce either, this is a whole pan-Asian experience.

Another kind customer has written some very kind words about us on Thank-you very much; it means a lot to us! This is a proper, big Chinese supermarket - on an entirely different scale to the smaller but perhaps more conveniently located Kin Yip Hon Supermarket in the city centre. Wai Yee Hong has proper trolleys, and several long aisles of food - including a substantial refrigerated aisle, a good range of fresh fruit and vegetables, and an extensive frozen food section.

Thank-you so much to this reviewer on for their custom, and taking the time to give us such a nice review. We really appreciate it! I have driven past this place countless times and I’ve always been really intrigued to go in and check it out, having never been to a Chinese supermarket, and the other day I thought it was about time I did exactly this! The supermarket pretty much sells everything Chinese, and believe me there is a lot on offer!

Everything was well packed and it arrived quickly. I’ll be ordering again.

Last order was excellent and beautifully packed.Will be back for lots more stuff.Thanks

Thank you for the prompt reply and explanation. I certainly will be a returning customer Regards

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