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Flour For Steamed Buns (白鲨包子粉)

  • Shipping Weight: 1.177kg
  • Brand: Bai Sha

Description:Bai Sha Flour For Steamed Buns

Cooking Instructions:
Ingredients Required: Steam Bun Flour 1000g, Yeast 10g, Water 450g, White Sugar 150g.
1. Dissolve Yeast and sugar in water, then knead all ingredients into a smooth dough and rest for 10 minutes.
2. Cut the dough into 30g each and shape it.
3. Rest the dough in a plate or tray cover with a moist cloth for 30-60 minutes or until double in size (resting temperature should be around 30C).
4. Put the dough in a steaming tray and steam in boiling water for 7-8 minutes until cooked and serve.

May contain milk, egg, nuts, fish, sesame, sulphites, peanut.
Ingredients:Steamed Bun Flour: Low Gluten Wheat Flour (65%), Wheat Starch (35%).

Instant Dried Yeast: Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae), Emulsifier (Sorbitan Monostearate), Soybean Oil, Flour Treatment Agent (Ascorbic Acid).

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