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Vegetarian Instant Curry (素食速食加哩)

  • Shipping Weight: 0.187kg
  • Brand: Kong Yen

Description:Vegetarian Instant Curry

Recipe: (Serve 6 people)
1 pkg Kong Yen Vegetarian Instant Curry Cake
(optional) Vegetarian Meat
1 pc Potato
1 pc Carrot
1.5 tbsp Vegetable Oil
900 cc Water

Put vegetarian meat fried by hot oil until lightly browned, then put potato, carrot and water to boil. Until everything in the pan get tender about 10 minutes, add vegetarian instant curry, slow boiling and stirring evenly, then ready to serve.

Once opened keep refrigerated, consume within 1 month.
Ingredients:Flour, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Salt, Sugar, Curry Powder (Dried Citrus Peel, Turmeric, Lilac, Onion, Coriandum Savaticum), Flavour Enhancer (Amino Acid, Nucleotides), Spices (Star Anise, Aniseed, Cumin, Cinnamon, Pepper).

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