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Green Tapioca Noodles In Sweet Coconut Sauce (椰漿糖水涼粉)

  • Shipping Weight: 0.429kg
  • Brand: Madam Pum Brand

Description:Lod Chong Singapore Siam
Ready in 10 minutes
With sweet coconut powder

Cooking Instructions:
Lod Chong Noodles
Boil 6-7 cups (1500 cc) of water, bring to a boil, then put the starch in. Stir occasionally (until loose and not twisted), and boil for 10 minutes. Drain well and pass cold water through. Mix with well done sweet coconut soup. Stir and serve with ice.

Sweet Coconut Syrup
Mix with hot water 1/2 cup (125 cc). Stir well until dissolved. Add to prepared lod chong noodles, then serve.
Ingredients:Tapioca Starch (54.80%), Sweet Coconut Powder (45%), Pandanus Juice.

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