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Masaman Curry Paste (泰佳品 瑪莎曼咖哩醬)

  • Shipping Weight: 0.176kg
  • Brand: Maesri

Description:Masaman Curry Paste, the special Indian curry taste that you all like. Try its strong ingredients of spicy natural herbs.

No Artificial Colour or Flavour. No Preservatives. No MSG. Authentic Thai Cuisine.

Preparation (Serves 4-5):
1 pack Maesri's Masaman Curry Paste, 4 cups coconut milk, 300g chicken or beef, 150g potato, 50g onion, 2 tbsp peanut

Cooking Instructions:
1. Stir-fry Maesri's Masaman Curry Paste (1 pack) with 1.5-2 cups of coconut milk for about 5 minutes in a pot at medium heat
2. Put 300g of chicken or beef, then pour 2 cups of coconut milk. Stir until it's boiled
3. Add 150g potato, 50g onion (cut into pieces)
4. Heat until meat is tender (about 20 minutes for chicken and 35 minutes for beef)
5. If preferred, add 2 tbsp of roasted peanuts
* Can be enjoyed equally with rice, spaghetti or bread.
Ingredients:Garlic (22%), Sugar (20%), Soy Bean Oil (15.2%), Dried Red Chillies (13%), Tamarind Juice (11%), Shallot (5.5%), Salt (5.5%), Lemongrass (3.3%), Spices (Coriander Seeds, Cumin, Cardamom, Bay Leaves, Lesser Galangal, Cloves(2%)), Kaffir Lime (1.5%), Galangal (1%).

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